Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First Draft!

Here is my first attempt at making a short machinima episode!  This ones called "Road Buddies", a rough for if not the final, an episode int he future entitled, "carpool".  This draft is extremely raw, editing is choppy, voice overs are lacking and quality isn't the best either. This is basically, me just throwing out a sense of where I am trying to get at with a story and project like this while experimenting with Halo's theater mode and its endless possibilities. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So I have begun the pain staking process of filming, editing and filming.  Here is a 2 minute take from the Halo Reach video game.  It is merely a test for the purposes of filming.  What I have done here is film the video saved into the game's "theater mode".